Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

Introduction and random stuff ^.^

Hey bunnies ♥

                                                          Welcome to my blog about
 Korean & Japanese Lifestyle & Fashion, DIY’s and everything that comes to my mind  :3

I’m a nineteen years old girl from Düsseldorf, studying
‘Modernes Japan’ (Modern Japan) and Anglistik & Amerikanistik
And by the way: i’m way too lazy, guys xD

I used to have several part time jobs, but since a few days I am the new local journalist of the
‘Asian Life Germany’ Magazine. Thihi~
I have to write about parties, lifestyle, culture stuff and everything that’s connected to asia in Düsseldorf. 
And I guess there’s a lot to tell :3
I’m so excited!

On the banner is written ‘release party’. 
My boss invited me and my boyfriend as vip to this party to get to know me and it was really good! We met a lot of crazy and influential people, you can imagine: it was real fun ^.^

I’ve a very cute bunny, called  ‘Flöckchen’ (little snowflake). 

Sorry for the bad quality of the picture, she is just too sprightly & I made this with my webcam.
Bunnies are a huge passion of mine -  whithersoever  I see something with a bunny (on it), I really NEED it >D

Enough about me  and the boring  introduction stuff for now  ;)

Let me tell you about a... disgusting thing:
Did you ever see something like THIS O___O

It’s no fake guys..
Seriously, I really like hearts. And kitschy stuff. And earrings. But that is way too much :0
It gives me the heebie-jeebies, as soon as I imagine to cut out a piece of my ear in  the scale of 1 cent.
I know, plugs are even bigger, but they are slowly stretched, millimeter by millimeter and not just cut out  >.<
Unfortunally, picture number 14 looks kinda cute, don’t you think so too?
I wonder, if it accrues?
Plugs became kind of mainstream in my opinon, because nearly every third teenager got one, beginning in the age of 10. Isn’t that scary that parents allow already in this age, that children make /really big/ holes into their body, before they are already able to understand how hard it can be to get a job later?

Well, well, that’s all for now ;3
Tell me what you think about this heart-cuttings in the comment box below J

See you the next days hunnies,

Chu <3

P.S.: Don't judge me for the easy layout, i'm searching for the best till my next post, promise!

2 Kommentare:

  1. how disgusting is that?! i mean - okay, don't even like plugs - but why would you ever (like ever, ever, ever!!!)cut out a piece of your ear?! the most ridiculous part of it is that it's got the shape of a heart... naah, don't like it at all!
    but kinda fancy your layout!! looks cute and girly and pink - i love it! :]

  2. Haha, thought the same my dear ;D
    But i think it was a good idea to start my blog.. ridiculous, fancy and disgusting stuff is always catchy, don't u think :D

    thank you <3
